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Verhoeff, K. W. (1900). Beiträge zur Kenntniss paläarktischer Myriopoden. XIII. Aufsatz: Zur vergleichenden Morphologie, Phylogenie, Gruppen- und Art-Systematik der Ascospermophora. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 66(1): 347-402. Berlin
Verhoeff, K. W.
Beiträge zur Kenntniss paläarktischer Myriopoden. XIII. Aufsatz: Zur vergleichenden Morphologie, Phylogenie, Gruppen- und Art-Systematik der Ascospermophora
Archiv für Naturgeschichte
66(1): 347-402. Berlin
CIM-ID: 1473
Myr-ID: 4291
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2016-10-04 08:37:53Z
2021-12-28 21:21:32Z
2023-06-26 09:43:07Z

Alloverhoeffia Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Haplogona Cook, 1895 (original description)
Atractosoma abnorme Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Atractosoma alticolum Verhoeff, 1894 accepted as Pterygophorosoma alticolum (Verhoeff, 1894) (additional source)
Atractosoma berlesei Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Atractosoma cecconii Silvestri, 1898 (original description)
Atractosoma berlesei serratum Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Atractosoma cecconii Silvestri, 1898 (original description)
Atractosoma gibberosum Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Atractosoma hyalops Latzel, 1889 accepted as Litogona hyalops (Latzel, 1889) (source of synonymy)
Atractosoma hyalops Latzel, 1889 accepted as Litogona hyalops (Latzel, 1889) (additional source)
Atractosoma meridionale Fanzago, 1876 (additional source)
Atractosoma mevaniense Silvestri, 1894 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma mevaniense (Silvestri, 1894) (additional source)
Atractosoma minimum Rothenbühler, 1899 accepted as Rothenbuehleria minima (Rothenbühler, 1899) (source of synonymy)
Atractosoma minimum Rothenbühler, 1899 accepted as Rothenbuehleria minima (Rothenbühler, 1899) (new combination reference)
Atractosoma tellinense Brölemann, 1892 (source of synonymy)
Attemsia falciferum Verhoeff, 1899 accepted as Attemsia falcifera Verhoeff, 1899 (additional source)
Calatractosoma Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Atractosoma Fanzago, 1876 (original description)
Chordeuma pallidum Rothenbühler, 1899 accepted as Orthochordeumella pallida (Rothenbühler, 1899) (additional source)
Chordeuma silvestre C. L. Koch, 1847 accepted as Chordeuma sylvestre C. L. Koch, 1847 (additional source)
Craspedosoma alticolum (Verhoeff, 1894) accepted as Pterygophorosoma alticolum (Verhoeff, 1894) (source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma gattii Silvestri, 1898 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma gattii (Silvestri, 1898) (source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma gattii Silvestri, 1898 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma gattii (Silvestri, 1898) (new combination reference)
Craspedosoma helveticum Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Helvetiosoma helveticum (Verhoeff, 1900) (original description)
Craspedosoma oppidicola Silvestri, 1898 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma oppidicola (Silvestri, 1898) (additional source)
Craspedosoma oppidicola bidentatum Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma oppidicola bidentatum (Verhoeff, 1900) accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma bidentatum (Verhoeff, 1900) (original description)
Craspedosoma vallicola Silvestri, 1898 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma vallicola (Silvestri, 1898) (source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma vallicola Silvestri, 1898 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma vallicola (Silvestri, 1898) (new combination reference)
Craspedosoma vittigerum Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Pyrgocyphosoma vallombrosae (Silvestri, 1898) (original description)
Dactylophorosoma Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles var. toblingensis Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Euatractosoma Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Atractosoma Fanzago, 1876 (original description)
Haplatractosoma Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Haplobainosoma lusitanum Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Heterohaasea Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Dendromonomeron Verhoeff, 1912 (original description)
Heteroporatia plumigera Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Thaumaporatia plumigera (Verhoeff, 1900) (original description)
Heteroporatia plumigerum Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Thaumaporatia plumigera (Verhoeff, 1900) (original description)
Krueperia Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Krueperia nivale Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Krueperia nivalis Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Mastigophorophyllon jickeli Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Mastigophorophyllon jickelii Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Mastigophorophyllon jickelii Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Orotrechosoma Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Pterygophorosoma Verhoeff, 1897 (original description)
Orotrechosoma cornuigerum Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Pterygophorosoma cornuigerum (Verhoeff, 1900) (original description)
Orthochordeumella Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Prodicus attemsi Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Anamastigona pulchella (Silvestri, 1894) (original description)
Prodicus attemsii Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Anamastigona attemsii (Verhoeff, 1900) accepted as Anamastigona pulchella (Silvestri, 1894) (original description)
Rothenbuehleria Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Rothenbuehleria minimum tirolense Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Rothenbuehleria tirolensis Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Rothenbuehleria minimum var. tirolense Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Rothenbuehleria tirolensis Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Rothenbuehleria tellinense (Brölemann, 1892) accepted as Atractosoma tellinense Brölemann, 1892 (basis of record)
Rothenbuehleria tirolensis Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Rothenbuehleriini Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Thaumaporatia Verhoeff, 1900 (original description)
Verhoeffia rothenbuehleri Verhoeff, 1900 accepted as Haplogona rothenbuehleri (Verhoeff, 1900) (original description)
Greece for Krueperia nivale Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Atractosoma abnorme Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Atractosoma berlesei Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Craspedosoma oppidicola gattii Silvestri, 1898 
Italy for Craspedosoma vittigerum Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Heteroporatia plumigerum Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Orotrechosoma cornuigerum Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Prodicus attemsii Verhoeff, 1900 
Italy for Verhoeffia rothenbuehleri Verhoeff, 1900 
Latium for Atractosoma abnorme Verhoeff, 1900 
Latium for Atractosoma berlesei serratum Verhoeff, 1900 
Latium for Atractosoma berlesei serratum Verhoeff, 1900 
Latium for Atractosoma berlesei serratum Verhoeff, 1900 
Latium for Craspedosoma oppidicola Silvestri, 1898 
Latium for Craspedosoma oppidicola Silvestri, 1898 
Latium for Prodicus attemsii Verhoeff, 1900 
Portugal for Haplobainosoma lusitanum Verhoeff, 1900 
Romania for Mastigophorophyllon jickelii Verhoeff, 1900 
Switzerland for Atractosoma gibberosum Verhoeff, 1900 
Switzerland for Craspedosoma helveticum Verhoeff, 1900 
Switzerland for Rothenbuehleria tirolensis Verhoeff, 1900 
Ticino for Atractosoma gibberosum Verhoeff, 1900 
Trentino-Alto Adige for Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles Verhoeff, 1900 
Trentino-Alto Adige for Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles Verhoeff, 1900 
Trentino-Alto Adige for Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles Verhoeff, 1900 
Trentino-Alto Adige for Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles var. toblingensis Verhoeff, 1900 
Trentino-Alto Adige for Orotrechosoma cornuigerum Verhoeff, 1900 
Trentino-Alto Adige for Rothenbuehleria minimum var. tirolense Verhoeff, 1900 
Trentino-Alto Adige for Verhoeffia rothenbuehleri Verhoeff, 1900 
Tuscany for Atractosoma berlesei Verhoeff, 1900 
Tuscany for Craspedosoma vittigerum Verhoeff, 1900 
Tuscany for Heteroporatia plumigerum Verhoeff, 1900 
Tuscany for Oxydactylon tirolense (Verhoeff, 1894) 
Umbria for Craspedosoma mevaniense (Silvestri, 1894) 
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