Newport, G. (1844). A list of the species of Myriapoda, order Chilognatha, contained in the cabinets of the British Museum, with description of a new genus and thirty-two new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13: 263-270. London page(s): 266 [details]
original descriptionNewport, G. (1844). A list of the species of Myriapoda, order Chilognatha, contained in the cabinets of the British Museum, with description of a new genus and thirty-two new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13: 263-270. London page(s): 266 [details]
additional sourceGray, J.E. (1832). The myriapods. <i>In</i>: Griffith: Animal Kingdom. II. Pl. 135. London. [details]
additional sourceShelley, R. M. (1999). Centipedes and millipedes with emphasis on North American fauna. Kansas School Naturalist, 45(3): 1-15. Emporia page(s): 442 [details]