Brandt, J. F. (1833). Tentaminum quorundam monographicorum Insecta Myriapoda Chilognathi Latreillii spectantium prodromus. Bulletin de la Societé Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 6: 194-209. Moscow, available online at page(s): 203 [details]
Sierwald, P.; Decker, P.; Spelda, J. (2024). MilliBase. Spirostreptus Brandt, 1833. Accessed at: on 2025-01-06
original descriptionBrandt, J. F. (1833). Tentaminum quorundam monographicorum Insecta Myriapoda Chilognathi Latreillii spectantium prodromus. Bulletin de la Societé Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 6: 194-209. Moscow, available online at page(s): 203 [details]
additional sourceJeekel, C. A. W. (1971). Nomenclator generum et familiarum Diplopodorum: A list of the genus and family-group names in the Class Diplopoda from the 10th edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to the end of 1957. Monografieen van de Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging, 5: 1-412. Amsterdam, available online at page(s): 137 [details]
additional sourceAttems, C. M. T. Graf von. (1914). Afrikanische Spirostreptiden nebst Überblick über die Spirostreptiden orbis terrarum. <em>Zoologica (Stuttgart).</em> 25(65-66): 1-235. Stuttgart., available online at page(s): 55 [details]
additional sourceDemange, J.-M.; Mauriès, J.-P. (1975). Myriapodes - Diplopodes des Monts Nimba et Tonkoui (Cote d'Ivoire, Guinée) récoltés par M. Lamotte et ses collaborateurs de 1942 à 1961. <em>Annalen, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika - Zoologische wetenschappen.</em> 212: 1-192. Tervuren. page(s): 2, 41, 61 [details]
additional sourceHoffman, R. L. (1980). Classification of the Diplopoda. 1-237. Genève. page(s): 95; note: Status of this name and number of species uncertain. Perhaps = Archspirostreptus [details]
additional sourceHoffman, R. L.; Howell, K. M. (1983). Dendrostreptus, a new genus for an arboreal Tanzanian milliped, with notes on related forms (Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae). Revue zoologique africaine, 97(3): 625-632 page(s): 625-626; note: Discussion [details]
additional sourceSilvestri, F. (1897). Systema Diplopodum. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova, serie 2, 18: 644-651. Genova, available online at page(s): 651 [details]
additional sourceHoffman, R. L.; Golovatch, S. I.; Hamer, M. (2001). Identities of the millipede genera Spirostreptus Brandt, 1833 and Spiropoeus Brandt, 1833 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae). Myriapodologica, 7(5): 35-47[details]
additional sourceBollman, C. H. (1893). The Myriapoda of North America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 46: 1-210. Washington page(s): 60 [details]
additional sourceHamer, M. L. (1998). Checklist of Southern African millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda). Annals of the Natal Museum, 39: 11-82 page(s): 53; note: Spirostreptidae genera incertae sedis [details]
additional sourceMwabvu, T. (2005). New records and localities of spirostreptid millipedes (Myriapoda: Diplopoda) of Zimbabwe with notes on nomenclatural changes and habitat. Arnoldia Zimbabwe, 10(25): 249-255 page(s): 252 [details]
additional sourceMwabvu, T.; Hamer, M.; Slotow, R.; Barraclough, D. (2009). A revision of the taxonomy and distribution of Spirostreptus Brandt 1833 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae) with descriptions of a new species and a new genus of spirostreptid millipede. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 2211(1), 36-56., available online at[details]
additional sourceVohland, K.; Hamer, M. (2013). A review of the millipedes (Diplopoda) of Namibia, with identification keys and descriptions of two new genera and five new species. <em>African Invertebrates.</em> 54(1), 251-304., available online at page(s): 278 [details]
additional sourceMwabvu, T., Hamer, M., Slotow, R., & Barraclough, D. (2010). A revision of the taxonomy and distribution of Archispirostreptus Silvestri 1895 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae), and description of a new spirostreptid genus with three new species. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 2567, 1-49., available online at page(s): 45; note: in key to genera of Spirostreptini [details]
additional sourceEnghoff, H.; Hoffman, R. L.; Howell, K. M. (2016). Checklist of the Millipedes (Diplopoda) of Tanzania. <em>Journal of East African Natural History.</em> 105 (1): 51–113., available online at page(s): 82; note: Hoffman et al. (2001) clarified the status of the genus name Spirostreptus Brandt, 1833 which correctly can be applied only to a handful of S. African species (Mwabvu et al., 2009a). A large number of...
Hoffman et al. (2001) clarified the status of the genus name Spirostreptus Brandt, 1833 which correctly can be applied only to a handful of S. African species (Mwabvu et al., 2009a). A large number of species which have been assigned to Spirostreptus are currently left orphaned, there being no other available genus name for them.
additional sourceMwabvu, T.; Hamer, M.; Slotow, R.; Barraclough, D. (2009). A review of the taxonomy and distribution of Plagiotaphrus Attems 1914 Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae). <em>Zootaxa.</em> 2304: 51-60., available online at page(s): 53 [details]
additional sourceMinelli, A. (2015). Treatise on Zoology – Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Myriapoda, Volume 2. <em>Brill, Leiden; Boston.</em> 482 pp. page(s): 438 [details]