original description
Ribaut, H. (1909). Nouveau genre de Glomeroidea (myriopodes). Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse, 42(1): 29-32
page(s): 29 [details]
additional source
Kime, R. D.; Enghoff, H. (2011). Atlas of European Millipedes (Class Diplopoda) Volume 1 Orders Polyxenida, Glomerida, Platydesmida, Siphonocryptida, Polyzoniida, Callipodida, Polydesmida. <em>Fauna Europaea Evertebrata.</em> 3: 1-282; June 2011.
page(s): 23; note:
About a dozen records to date indicate a restricted distribution in the Central Pyrenees. A record of this species further to the west from Eaux-Bonnes in the Pyrenees Atlantiques, published on a nu...
About a dozen records to date indicate a restricted distribution in the Central Pyrenees. A record of this species further to the west from Eaux-Bonnes in the Pyrenees Atlantiques, published on a number of occasions, has been shown to be erroneous (Mauries & Barraqucta, 1985).
additional source
Verhoeff, K. W. (1912). Adenomeris und Gervaisia. (Über Diplopoden, 52. Aufsatz). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 39(11-12): 396-407. Leipzig
page(s): 396; note: description of species [details]
source of synonymy
Jeekel, C. A. W. (1971). Nomenclator generum et familiarum Diplopodorum: A list of the genus and family-group names in the Class Diplopoda from the 10th edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to the end of 1957. Monografieen van de Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging, 5: 1-412. Amsterdam, available online at https://nev.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Mono-05-Jeekel-1970-OCR.pdf
page(s): 11 [details]
From editor or global species database