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Jeekel, C. A. W. (2001). A bibliographic catalogue of the Asiatic Sphaerotheriida (Diplopoda). Myriapod memoranda, 3: 5-38. Oisterwijk
Jeekel, C. A. W.
A bibliographic catalogue of the Asiatic Sphaerotheriida (Diplopoda)
Myriapod memoranda
3: 5-38. Oisterwijk
CIM-ID: 8415
Myr-ID: 3166
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2016-10-04 08:37:53Z
2023-06-26 09:43:07Z

Arthrosphaera attemsi Jeekel, 2001 (original description)
Arthrosphaera aurocincta Pocock, 1899 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera bicolor Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera carinata Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera corrugata Silvestri, 1897 (nec Butler) accepted as Arthrosphaera silvestrii Jeekel, 2001 (source of synonymy)
Arthrosphaera craspedota Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera dalyi Pocock, 1894 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera davisoni Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera dentigera Verhoeff, 1930 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera disticta Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera fumosa Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera glabra Attems, 1942 accepted as Sphaeropoeus glabrus (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Arthrosphaera gracilis Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera hendersoni Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera indica Verhoeff, 1937 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera inermis Attems, 1936 accepted as Arthrosphaera attemsi Jeekel, 2001 (source of synonymy)
Arthrosphaera magna Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera marginella Silvestri, 1897 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera nitida Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera pygostolis Attems, 1935 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera ruginosa Jeekel, 2001 (original description)
Arthrosphaera rugosa Verhoeff, 1930 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera scholastica Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera severa Attems, 1935 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera silvestrii Jeekel, 2001 (original description)
Arthrosphaera thurstoni Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera transitiva Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Arthrosphaera wroughtoni Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Borneopoeus Verhoeff, 1924 accepted as Castanotherium Pocock, 1895 (source of synonymy)
Borneopoeus costatus Verhoeff, 1924 accepted as Castanotherium costatum (Verhoeff, 1924) (new combination reference)
Borneopoeus dorsispina Attems, 1936 accepted as Castanotherium dorsispina (Attems, 1936) (new combination reference)
Bothrobelum Verhoeff, 1924 (additional source)
Bothrobelum rugosum Verhoeff, 1924 (additional source)
Castanotherium amythrum (Attems, 1897) (additional source)
Castanotherium boetonense Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium carinatum (Pocock, 1890) (additional source)
Castanotherium celebense Silvestri, 1897 (additional source)
Castanotherium cinctum (Carl, 1906) (additional source)
Castanotherium conspicuum Silvestri, 1897 (additional source)
Castanotherium costatum (Verhoeff, 1924) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium crinitum (Attems, 1935) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium decoratum Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium distinctum Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium dorsispina (Attems, 1936) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium everettii Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Castanotherium extraneum (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium falcicorne (Tömösvary, 1885) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium ferum (Attems, 1935) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium fulvicorne Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Castanotherium glabratum (Newport, 1844) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium granulatum (Tömösvary, 1885) (additional source)
Castanotherium hirsutellum Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Castanotherium hosei Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Castanotherium humile (Silvestri, 1895) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium ignobile (Butler, 1872) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium indigenum (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium insigne (Brandt, 1833) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium laeve Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium lamprongse (Chamberlin, 1945) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium leium Chamberlin, 1921 (additional source)
Castanotherium moderatum (Chamberlin, 1945) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium nigriceps (Pocock, 1894) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium nigromaculatum Silvestri, 1897 (additional source)
Castanotherium obscurum Chamberlin, 1921 (additional source)
Castanotherium ornatum Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium pellitum Attems, 1932 (additional source)
Castanotherium pilosum Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium plasoni (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium porosum Pocock, 1895 accepted as Castanotheroides porosum (Pocock, 1895) accepted as Castanotheroides porosus (Pocock, 1895) (source of synonymy)
Castanotherium pyrrhomelanum (Attems, 1897) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium rufipes (Pocock, 1894) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium simplex (Carl, 1909) (taxonomy source)
Castanotherium sparsepunctatum Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium stellatum Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium sulcicollis (Karsch, 1881) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium suspectum Carl, 1912 (additional source)
Castanotherium tivium (Chamberlin, 1945) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium tricollis (Karsch, 1881) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium variegatum (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Castanotherium volzi (Carl, 1906) (additional source)
Castanotherium whiteheadi Pocock, 1895 (additional source)
Castanotheroides sinuatus (Butler, 1872) (new combination reference)
Chinosphaera maculosa Attems, 1935 accepted as Prionobelum maculosum (Attems, 1935) (additional source)
Glomeris ovalis (Linnaeus, 1758) accepted as Cryxus ovalis (Linnaeus, 1758) (source of synonymy)
Indosphaera Attems, 1935 (source of synonymy)
Indosphaera curiosa Attems, 1936 accepted as Indosphaera feae Attems, 1935 (source of synonymy)
Indosphaera fontis Attems, 1936 (taxonomy source)
Julus ovalis Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Cryxus ovalis (Linnaeus, 1758) (additional source)
Julus ovalis Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Cryxus ovalis (Linnaeus, 1758) (source of synonymy)
Kophosphaera Attems, 1935 (taxonomy source)
Kophosphaera brevilamina Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Kophosphaera devolvens Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Kophosphaera pellita Attems, 1943 accepted as Sphaeropoeus pellitus (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Kophosphaera politissima Attems, 1936 (additional source)
Kophosphaera uncigera Attems, 1944 accepted as Sphaeropoeus unciger (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Leptoprotopus gladiator (Pocock, 1894) (additional source)
Leptotelopus Silvestri, 1897 (taxonomy source)
Leptotelopus crepitans (Pocock, 1890) (taxonomy source)
Lissosphaera speciosa Attems, 1943 accepted as Sphaeropoeus speciosus (Attems, 1943) (new combination reference)
Lophozephronia crepitans (Pocock, 1890) accepted as Leptotelopus crepitans (Pocock, 1890) (source of synonymy)
Asia for Sphaeropoeus montanus Karsch, 1881 
Borneo for Castanotherium indigenum (Attems, 1943) 
Borneo for Pulusphaera indigena Attems, 1943 
Borneo for Zephronia butleri Olliff, 1882 
Cambodia for Zephronia cambodjana Attems, 1953 
Cambodia for Zephronia dawydoffi Attems, 1953 
China for Chinosphaera maculosa Attems, 1935 
China for Sphaerotherium nebulosum Butler, 1875 
Halmahera for Castanotherium amythrum (Attems, 1897) 
Halmahera for Zephronia amythra Attems, 1897 
India for Arthrosphaera atrisparsa (Butler, 1878) 
India for Arthrosphaera attemsi Jeekel, 2001 
India for Arthrosphaera aurocincta Pocock, 1899 
India for Arthrosphaera bicolor Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera carinata Attems, 1936 
India for Arthrosphaera corrugata Silvestri, 1897 (nec Butler) 
India for Arthrosphaera craspedota Attems, 1936 
India for Arthrosphaera dalyi Pocock, 1894 
India for Arthrosphaera davisoni Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera disticta Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera fumosa Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera fusca (Attems, 1943) 
India for Arthrosphaera gracilis Attems, 1936 
India for Arthrosphaera hendersoni Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera heterostictica (Newport, 1844) 
India for Arthrosphaera inermis Attems, 1936 
India for Arthrosphaera lutescens (Butler, 1872) 
India for Arthrosphaera magna Attems, 1936 
India for Arthrosphaera marginella Silvestri, 1897 
India for Arthrosphaera marmorata (Butler, 1882) 
India for Arthrosphaera nitida Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera pelloceps (Chamberlin, 1921) 
India for Arthrosphaera pygostolis Attems, 1935 
India for Arthrosphaera scholastica Attems, 1936 
India for Arthrosphaera severa Attems, 1935 
India for Arthrosphaera silvestrii Jeekel, 2001 
India for Arthrosphaera stridula (Verhoeff, 1937) 
India for Arthrosphaera thurstoni Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera transitiva Attems, 1936 
India for Arthrosphaera wroughtoni Pocock, 1895 
India for Arthrosphaera zebraica (Butler, 1872) 
India for Indosphaera curiosa Attems, 1936 
India for Kophosphaera brevilamina Attems, 1936 
India for Kophosphaera excavata mammifera Attems, 1936 
India for Kophosphaera politissima Attems, 1936 
India for Odontosternum fuscum Attems, 1943 
India for Sphaerotherium maculatum Butler, 1874 
India for Trivandrobelum stridulum Verhoeff, 1937 
India for Trochosoma pelloceps Chamberlin, 1921 
India for Zephronia alticola Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia alticola bengalica Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia debilis Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia densipora Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia disparipora Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia heterostictica Newport, 1844 
India for Zephronia hirta Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia hysophila Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia juvenis Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia lignivora Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia lutescens Butler, 1872 
India for Zephronia marmorata Butler, 1882 
India for Zephronia nigrinota Butler, 1872 
India for Zephronia specularis Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia tigrina Butler, 1872 
India for Zephronia tigrinoides Attems, 1936 
India for Zephronia tumida Butler, 1882 
India for Zephronia zebraica Butler, 1872 
Java for Castanotherium extraneum (Attems, 1943) 
Java for Castanotherium ignobile (Butler, 1872) 
Java for Castanotherium insigne (Brandt, 1833) 
Java for Castanotherium moderatum (Chamberlin, 1945) 
Java for Castanotherium nigriceps (Pocock, 1894) 
Java for Castanotherium plasoni (Attems, 1943) 
Java for Castanotherium rufipes (Pocock, 1894) 
Java for Castanotherium simplex (Carl, 1909) 
Java for Castanotherium sulcicollis (Karsch, 1881) 
Java for Pulusphaera extranea Attems, 1944 
Java for Pulusphaera plasoni Attems, 1943 
Java for Sphaeropoeus insignis Brandt, 1833 
Java for Sphaeropoeus simplex Carl, 1909 
Java for Sphaeropoeus stollii Pocock, 1895 
Java for Sphaeropoeus sulcicollis Karsch, 1881 
Java for Sphaerotherium javanicum (Guérin, 1837) 
Java for Sphaerotherium kochii Butler, 1873 
Java for Sphaerotherium ovale (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Java for Sphaerotherium punctatum Brandt, 1833 
Java for Zephronia ignobilis Butler, 1872 
Java for Zephronia insignis (Brandt, 1833) 
Java for Zephronia javanica_ Guérin, 1837 
Java for Zephronia moderata Chamberlin, 1945 
Java for Zephronia nigriceps Pocock, 1894 
Java for Zephronia ovalis Gray, 1832 
Java for Zephronia rufipes Pocock, 1894 
Kalimantan for Borneopoeus costatus Verhoeff, 1924 
Kalimantan for Bothrobelum rugosum Verhoeff, 1924 
Kalimantan for Castanotherium conspicuum Silvestri, 1897 
Kalimantan for Castanotherium costatum (Verhoeff, 1924) 
Kalimantan for Castanotherium crinitum (Attems, 1935) 
Kalimantan for Castanotherium falcicorne (Tömösvary, 1885) 
Kalimantan for Castanotherium ferum (Attems, 1935) 
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