Causey, N. B. (1952). On Two New Species and New Distribution Records of Paraiulid Milipeds from the Eastern United States. <em>Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science.</em> 5(1), 19-24. page(s): 22 [details]
original descriptionCausey, N. B. (1952). On Two New Species and New Distribution Records of Paraiulid Milipeds from the Eastern United States. <em>Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science.</em> 5(1), 19-24. page(s): 22 [details]
additional sourceHoffman, R. L. (1999). Checklist of the millipedes of North and Middle America. <em>Virginia Museum of Natural History, special publication.</em> 8: 1-584. page(s): 168 [details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality