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MilliBase source details
Schubart, O. (1934). Tausendfüßler oder Myriapoda. I: Diplopoda. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile, 28: 1-318. Jena
Schubart, O.
Tausendfüßler oder Myriapoda. I: Diplopoda
Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile
28: 1-318. Jena
CIM-ID: 314
Myr-ID: 3409
(EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
(BibDesk, LaTeX)
2016-10-04 08:37:53Z
Sierwald, Petra
2023-06-26 09:43:07Z
Decker, Peter
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Taxa (591)
Distributions (941)
Allaiulus albicornis
C. L. Koch, 1847
accepted as
Enantiulus nanus
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Allaiulus punctatus
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
accepted as
Enantiulus nanus
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Allajulus occultus
C. L. Koch, 1847
accepted as
Kryphioiulus occultus
(C. L. Koch, 1847)
(source of synonymy)
Allochordeuma pallidum
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
accepted as
Orthochordeumella pallida
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
(source of synonymy)
Allochordeuma pallidum fulvum
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
accepted as
Orthochordeumella fulva
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
(source of synonymy)
Amplinus ater
(Peters, 1864)
(new combination reference)
Amsteinia fuscum
(Am Stein, 1857)
accepted as
Proteroiulus fuscus
(Am Stein, 1857)
(source of synonymy)
Archiulus sabulosus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
accepted as
Ommatoiulus sabulosus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
(source of synonymy)
Archiulus vilnense var. jawlowskii
(Lohmander, 1927)
accepted as
Rossiulus vilnensis
(Jawłowski, 1925)
(source of synonymy)
Atractosoma alticolum
Verhoeff, 1894
accepted as
Pterygophorosoma alticolum
(Verhoeff, 1894)
(source of synonymy)
Atractosoma canestrinii
(Fedrizzi, 1878)
accepted as
Bergamosoma canestrinii
(Fedrizzi, 1877)
(source of synonymy)
Atractosoma meridionale
Fanzago, 1876
(additional source)
Atractosoma meridionale var. alpinum
Latzel, 1884
accepted as
Atractosoma meridionale
Fanzago, 1876
(source of synonymy)
Atractosoma tirolense
Verhoeff, 1894
accepted as
Iulogona tirolensis
(Verhoeff, 1894)
(source of synonymy)
Blaniulus armatus
Nĕmec, 1895
accepted as
Nopoiulus kochii
(Gervais, 1847)
(source of synonymy)
Blaniulus fimbriatus
Rothenbühler, 1899
(source of synonymy)
Blaniulus fuscus
Am Stein, 1857
accepted as
Proteroiulus fuscus
(Am Stein, 1857)
(additional source)
Blaniulus fuscus
Am Stein, 1857
accepted as
Proteroiulus fuscus
(Am Stein, 1857)
(source of synonymy)
Blaniulus palmatus
Nĕmec, 1895
accepted as
Choneiulus palmatus
(Nĕmec, 1895)
(additional source)
Blaniulus palmatus
Nĕmec, 1895
accepted as
Choneiulus palmatus
(Nĕmec, 1895)
(source of synonymy)
Blaniulus venustus
Meinert, 1868
accepted as
Nopoiulus kochii
(Gervais, 1847)
(source of synonymy)
Brachychaeteuma bagnalli
Verhoeff, 1911
(additional source)
Brachychaeteuma bluncki
Verhoeff, 1925
accepted as
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
(source of synonymy)
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
(additional source)
Brachychaeteuma bradeae var. bluncki
(Verhoeff, 1925)
accepted as
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
(source of synonymy)
Brachychaeteuma bradeae var. elongatum
Lohmander, 1925
accepted as
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
(source of synonymy)
Brachychaeteuma bradeae var. truncatum
Lohmander, 1925
accepted as
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
(source of synonymy)
Brachychaeteuma verhoeffi
Schubart, 1930
accepted as
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
(source of synonymy)
Brachydesmus mosellanus
Verhoeff, 1891
accepted as
Brachydesmus superus
Latzel, 1884
(source of synonymy)
Brachydesmus superus
Latzel, 1884
(source of synonymy)
Brachydesmus superus mosellanus
Verhoeff, 1891
(source of synonymy)
Brachydesmus superus scandinavius
Attems, 1927
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus jawlowskii
Lohmander, 1928
(additional source)
Brachyiulus projectus dioritanus
Verhoeff, 1907
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) projectum projectum
Verhoeff, 1894
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus projectus kochi
Verhoeff, 1907
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) projectum kochi
(Verhoeff, 1907)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus projectus kochi var. kochi
Verhoeff, 1907
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) projectum kochi
(Verhoeff, 1907)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus projectus kochi var. praealpinus
Verhoeff, 1915
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) projectum projectum
Verhoeff, 1894
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus seelandicus
Verhoeff, 1907
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) sjaelandicum
(Meinert, 1868)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus sjaelandicus
Meinert, 1868
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) sjaelandicum
(Meinert, 1868)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus unilineatus
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus unilineatus balticus
Verhoeff, 1907
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus unilineatus unilineatus
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus unilineatus var. balticus
Verhoeff, 1907
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus unilineatus var. germanicus
Verhoeff, 1912
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus unilineatus var. unilineatus
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Brachyiulus wolterstorffi
Verhoeff, 1904
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) sjaelandicum
(Meinert, 1868)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma caroli
Rothenbühler, 1900
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(additional source)
Ceratosoma karoli germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
accepted as
Euceratosoma karoli germanicum
(Verhoeff, 1901)
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli germanicum var. pinivagum
Verhoeff, 1927
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli germanicum var. saxonicum
Verhoeff, 1918
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli karoli
Rothenbühler, 1900
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli var. brigantinum
Verhoeff, 1913
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli var. gautingense
Verhoeff, 1913
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli var. germanicum
(Verhoeff, 1901)
accepted as
Ceratosoma caroli germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli var. revolutum
Verhoeff, 1913
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma karoli var. traunianum
Verhoeff, 1913
accepted as
Ochogona caroli
(Rothenbühler, 1900)
(source of synonymy)
Ceratosoma regale ischliense
Verhoeff, 1913
accepted as
Euceratosoma regale ischliense
(Verhoeff, 1913)
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma gallicum
Latzel, 1883
accepted as
Melogona gallica
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma gallicum var. rhenanum
Verhoeff, 1891
accepted as
Melogona gallica
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1892
accepted as
Mycogona germanica
(Verhoeff, 1892)
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma nodulosum
Verhoeff, 1894
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma pallidum
Rothenbühler, 1899
accepted as
Orthochordeumella pallida
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
(additional source)
Chordeuma pallidum
Rothenbühler, 1899
accepted as
Orthochordeumella pallida
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma pallidum var. fulvum
Rothenbühler, 1899
accepted as
Orthochordeumella fulva
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma rhenanum
Verhoeff, 1891
accepted as
Melogona gallica
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Chordeuma silvestre
C. L. Koch, 1847
accepted as
Chordeuma sylvestre
C. L. Koch, 1847
(additional source)
Chordeuma silvestre f. primordiale
Verhoeff, 1927
accepted as
Chordeuma sylvestre
C. L. Koch, 1847
(source of synonymy)
Chromatoiulus unilineatus balticus
(Verhoeff, 1907)
accepted as
Brachyiulus unilineatus balticus
Verhoeff, 1907
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Chromatoiulus unilineatus unilineatus
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
accepted as
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) unilineatum
(C. L. Koch, 1838)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum
Verhoeff, 1910
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii alemannicum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum bavaricum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum brevidentatum
Verhoeff, 1912
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum brevidentatum var. abbreviatissimum
Verhoeff, 1916
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii alsaticum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum brevidentatum var. brevidentatum
Verhoeff, 1912
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii rawlinsii
Leach, 1816
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum brevilobatum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum brevilobatum var. praealpinum
Verhoeff, 1914
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii alemannicum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum denticulatum
Bigler, 1913
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum denticulatum var. saxeti
Verhoeff, 1917
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii alemannicum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alemannicum salisburgense
Verhoeff, 1914
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma alticolum
(Verhoeff, 1894)
accepted as
Pterygophorosoma alticolum
(Verhoeff, 1894)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma canestrinii
(Fedrizzi, 1877)
accepted as
Bergamosoma canestrinii
(Fedrizzi, 1877)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma flavescens
Latzel, 1884
accepted as
Haasea flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma flavescens
Latzel, 1884
accepted as
Haasea flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
(additional source)
Craspedosoma flavescens var. helveticum
Verhoeff, 1894
accepted as
Haasea flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma germanicum f. germanicum
Verhoeff, 1910
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii germanicum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma germanicum f. saxonicum
Verhoeff, 1916
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii germanicum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma hispidulum
Silvestri, 1894
accepted as
Anamastigona hispidula
(Silvestri, 1894)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma marmoratum
Meinert, 1868
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii rawlinsii
Leach, 1816
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma marmoratum
C. L. Koch, 1847
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii
Leach, 1816
(status source)
Craspedosoma mutabile
Latzel, 1884
accepted as
Mastigona mutabilis
(Latzel, 1884)
(additional source)
Craspedosoma mutabile
Latzel, 1884
accepted as
Mastigona mutabilis
(Latzel, 1884)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma mutabile var. fasciatum
Latzel, 1884
accepted as
Mastigona bosniensis
(Verhoeff, 1897)
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma mutabile var. nigrescens
Haase, 1886
accepted as
Mastigophorophyllon saxonicum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma mutabile var. punctulatum
Latzel, 1884
accepted as
Mastigophorophyllon saxonicum
Verhoeff, 1910
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma productum
Verhoeff, 1912
(additional source)
Craspedosoma rawlinsii
Leach, 1816
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma rawlinsii serratum
Rothenbühler, 1900
accepted as
Craspedosoma taurinorum
Silvestri, 1898
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma rawlinsii transsilvanicum
Verhoeff, 1897
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma rawlinsii var. simile
Verhoeff, 1891
accepted as
Craspedosoma rawlinsii rawlinsii
Leach, 1816
(source of synonymy)
Craspedosoma simile
Attems, 1895
accepted as
Haploporatia similis
(Attems, 1895)
(additional source)
Austria for
Ceratosoma elaphron nubium
Verhoeff, 1921
Austria for
Craspedosoma rawlinsii transsilvanicum
Verhoeff, 1897
Austria for
Craspedosoma simile transsilvanicum
Verhoeff, 1897
Austria for
Craspedosoma slavum
Attems, 1929
Austria for
Craspedosoma transsilvanicum
Verhoeff, 1897
Austria for
Craspedosoma transsilvanicum
Verhoeff, 1897
Austria for
Craspedosoma transsilvanicum
Verhoeff, 1897
Austria for
Craspedosoma transsilvanicum austriacum var. repandum
Attems, 1929
Austria for
Craspedosoma transsilvanicum f. austriacum
Verhoeff, 1914
Austria for
Craspedosoma transsilvanicum f. transsilvanicum
Verhoeff, 1897
Austria for
Cylindroiulus verhoeffi
(Brölemann, 1896)
Austria for
Cylindroiulus verhoeffi
(Brölemann, 1896)
Austria for
Verhoeff, 1900
Austria for
Verhoeff, 1900
Austria for
Dactylophorosoma nivisatelles
Verhoeff, 1900
Austria for
Iulus verhoeffi
Brölemann, 1896
Austria for
Leptoiulus abietum
Verhoeff, 1914
Austria for
Leptoiulus abietum
Verhoeff, 1914
Austria for
Leptoiulus montivagus
(Latzel, 1884)
Austria for
Leptoiulus montivagus saxivagus
(Verhoeff, 1900)
Austria for
Listrocheiritium noricum
Verhoeff, 1913
Austria for
Listrocheiritium noricum
Verhoeff, 1913
Austria for
Listrocheiritium nubium
Verhoeff, 1915
Austria for
Listrocheiritium nubium
Verhoeff, 1915
Austria for
Listrocheiritium styricum
Verhoeff, 1915
Austria for
Listrocheiritium styricum
Verhoeff, 1915
Austria for
Ophyiulus alpinus
Attems, 1926
Austria for
Verhoeff, 1913
Austria for
Syngonopodium aceris
Verhoeff, 1913
Austria for
Syngonopodium aceris pallidum
Verhoeff, 1913
Austria for
Verhoeff, 1913
Austria for
Taueriulus aspidiorum
Verhoeff, 1913
Baden-Württemberg for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Baden-Württemberg for
Xylophageuma vomrathi
Verhoeff, 1911
Bayern for
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Bayern for
Orobainosoma noricum
Verhoeff, 1913
Bayern for
Strongylosoma pallipes
(Olivier, 1792)
Bayern for
Strongylosoma pallipes
(Olivier, 1792)
Bayern for
Strongylosoma pallipes
(Olivier, 1792)
Bayern for
Xylophageuma vomrathi
Verhoeff, 1911
Bayern for
Xylophageuma vomrathi
Verhoeff, 1911
Bayern for
Xylophageuma vomrathi
Verhoeff, 1911
Belgium for
Brachychaeteuma bagnalli
Verhoeff, 1911
Belgium for
Glomeris connexa
C. L. Koch, 1847
Belgium for
Orthochordeuma germanicum
(Verhoeff, 1892)
Berlin for
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
Berlin for
Brachychaeteuma bradeae
(Brölemann, H. K. Brade-Birks & S. G. Brade-Birks, 1917)
Bohemia for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Bohemia for
Orobainosoma pinivagum
Verhoeff, 1901
France for
Orthochordeumella fulvum var. simplex
Bigler, 1913
France for
Orthochordeumella fulvum var. simplex
Bigler, 1913
France for
Xylophageuma zschokkei
Bigler, 1912
France for
Xylophageuma zschokkei
Bigler, 1912
Free State of Thuringia for
Orobainosoma flavescens
(Latzel, 1884)
Free State of Thuringia for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Free State of Thuringia for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Free State of Thuringia for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Free State of Thuringia for
Orobainosoma germanicum
Verhoeff, 1901
Germany for
Allajulus occultus
C. L. Koch, 1847
Germany for
Allochordeuma pallidum
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
Germany for
Allochordeuma pallidum fulvum
(Rothenbühler, 1899)
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1905
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1905
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1905
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1930
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1930
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1930
Germany for
Amplinus ater
(Peters, 1864)
origin: alien
Germany for
Amsteinia fuscum
(Am Stein, 1857)
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1899
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1899
Germany for
Verhoeff, 1899
Germany for
Brölemann, 1921
Germany for
Archiboreoiulus pallidus
(S. G. Brade-Birks, 1920)
Germany for
Archispirostreptus lobulatus
Attems, 1901
Germany for
Archiulus sabulosus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Germany for
Archiulus vilnense var. jawlowskii
(Lohmander, 1927)
Germany for
Fanzago, 1876
Germany for
Fanzago, 1876
Germany for
Atractosoma meridionale
Fanzago, 1876
Germany for
Atractosoma meridionale var. alpinum
Latzel, 1884
Germany for
Atractosoma tirolense
Verhoeff, 1894
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