original descriptionChamberlin, R. V. (1940). Four new Western millipeds. J. Ent. Zool. Claremont Cal., 32(4): 81-83 page(s): 83 [details]
additional sourceLoomis, H. F.; Schmitt, R. (1971). The ecology, distribution and taxnomy of the millipeds of Montana west of the Continental Divide. Northwest Science, 45: 107-131. Pallman page(s): 117 [details]
additional sourceHoffman, R. L. (1999). Checklist of the millipedes of North and Middle America. <em>Virginia Museum of Natural History, special publication.</em> 8: 1-584. page(s): 142 [details]
source of synonymyHoffman, R. L. (1999). Checklist of the millipedes of North and Middle America. <em>Virginia Museum of Natural History, special publication.</em> 8: 1-584. page(s): 142 [details]
new combination referenceShelley, R. M. (1994). Revision of the milliped family Paeromopodidae, and elevation of the Aprosphylosomatinae to family status (Julida: Paeromopodoidea). Entomologica scandinavica, 25: 169-214. Lund page(s): 201; note: from Klansolus parvior [details]