Chamberlin, R. V. (1955). New millipeds from Peru and adjacent parts. University of Utah, Biological Series, 11(5): 1-47. Salt Lake City page(s): 42 [details]
original descriptionChamberlin, R. V. (1955). New millipeds from Peru and adjacent parts. University of Utah, Biological Series, 11(5): 1-47. Salt Lake City page(s): 42 [details]
new combination referenceKraus, O. (1956). Über neotropische Strongylosomatidae (Diplopoda). Senckenbergiana biologica, 37(5-6): 403-419. Frankfurt am Main page(s): 412; note: Mestosoma contumnum [sic?] [details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality
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